Seiraimaru electroculus. 1 patch (Seirai. Seiraimaru electroculus

1 patch (SeiraiSeiraimaru electroculus  There’s a total of 180 Electroculi to be

All Seirai Island Electroculus Genshin Impact 35/35 video. Enjoy! If you liked the video remember to leave a Like / Subscribe & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! EXPAND ME Pl. Maybe try later when it end. Or have a party member. Jump from the cliff and look behind you. Just go all the way down and head to the area shown below, marked by the player location. So, we just look up and there it is!! Too high and no clue how to obtain it. Ship Cave Seiraimaru Relay Stone Puzzle Electroculus Genshin Impact game walkthrough. How to enable Rotate Phase Gate Seirai Island and Watatsumi Islan. Rust Worn Key - Genshin Impact Inazuma Unlocking Electroculus Gate Lock shows you where to find Rust-Worn key, and one location where you can use it, to unlo. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma (Seirai Island) Electroculus Location 21-35. #Electroculus #LuxuriousChest #SeiraimaruShip You can find a total of 3 Electroculus inside the wrecked ship of Seiraimaru. HoYoLAB is the community forum for Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd, with official information about game events, perks, fan art, and other exciting content. . Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage Mirror Maiden Thunderhelm. Follow. 6. There. Electroculus, #15071 Araumi Underground water tunnels Genshin Impact g. =====. Jump from a higher platform and glide towards the Electroculus to get. Hard to get Araumi Electroculus Genshin Impact #15071 Underground water tunnels video. To learn more about the Shirikoro Peak puzzles, check out the guide below! Shirikoro Peak Puzzles Guide. How to do Seiraimaru Boat Puzzle to get Electroculus【Genshin Impact】 BlankMelito 2. . You can find Genshin Impact All Seiraimaru Electroculus locations following this video guide. Start Location was the waypoint near Bat boss. 399. All 30 Kannazuka Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. "Seiraimaru" is a subarea located in Seirai Island, Inazuma. All Seiraimaru Ship Puzzles Genshin Impact. . You will find a floor plate in front of an electrogranum plant at the location as shown in the picture below. Hoy terminamos el día entrando al barco de la Isla Seirai, el Seiraimaru. Inazum. Tatarasuna Ceiling Electroculus Und. Son un total de 35. Solving the Relay Stone puzzle wi. physical damage dealers is now forgotten. 00:00 Ceiling Electroculus Under The Mountai. You can find Genshin Impact Amakane Island Ele. Genshin Impact. This quest starts after the completion of ‘Seirai Stormchasers Part 3’. ️ If you find th. 1 - How to get the Electroculus South of Borou Village on WatatsumiIn this video i will show how i managed to solve the electro compass (the. Guide includes how to unlock, Electroculus locations, quests, luxurious chest guides, and more!. 1 Version has a lot of hidden Electroculus, which some of them are so hard to find by yourself. . Haciendo un total. Reply. Suigetsu Pool Electroculus Near the Palace in a Pool Domain Genshin Impact. In the middle of the Narukami Island, guide 3 seelie to the small island in between, get the chest and use. Then zap upwards very very high. . It also won't revert if you've solved the Secret Treasure already either. After lowering the water level for the lake, several Electroculus and treasure boxes will become available for exploration. I did it with Xiao, double Anemo, Amber and lots of stamina cost reducing dishes. Here are their locations: Isolated Island. Hoy os traigo todos los electroculus de la isla Seirai. When at the highest point you can reach reasonably easy from the fast travel spot, glide over to this location. The "Seriraimaru": Shipwreck Seelie Puzzle: youtu. Make sure to mark the Electroculus that you collect on your map. Its way up in the air and can only be reached by gliding from near the boss arena. Most Popular. Please help me before I go completely insane finding this thing! Teleport to the tip top area where you fight the electro boss. ) Enlarge. Seiraimaru Electroculus 00:. In this video we will show you the location of all 35 electroculus you can find on Seirai Island in patch 2. . 00:00 Seiraimaru Electroculus 104:30 S. Seiraimaru Relay Stone Puzzle Genshin Impact. . . be/HVswB-OQWF8This part maybe required to get a very high Electroculus seen in: youtu. . All 11 Amakumo Peak Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. You can complete Genshin Impact Seiraimaru Relay. Beneath the place where two hills colides. Chirai Shrine Underground Electroculus Genshin Impact. Just managed to get the Electroculus Resonance Stone from the Commisions in Inazuma so i can get the last Electroculus. #RelayStonePuzzleGuide #Electroculus #SeiraimaruThere's an underground cave East of Seiraimaru and South of Koseki Village. Go to the eastern end of the ship. . This is the last electroculus that's little tricky to get. HoYoLAB is the community forum for Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd, with official information about game events, perks, fan art, and other exciting content. This electro relay puzzle requires using the electrogranum plant to get the second piece of the puzzle and then using the electrogranum plant to use ourselve. To do that, just turn the wheels so the spokes that stick out form a square. All Asase Shrine Electroculus 3/3 Genshin Impact game walkthrough. Of course, it goes without saying that there’s plenty of quests to complete, but. 00:00 1. There's a total of 35 and some of them are a pickle to get. . 2. Use our interactive map to find all Electroculus Locations in Narukami Island, Kannazuka, Yashiori Island, Watatsumi Island, Seirai Island, and Tsurumi Island, detailed walkthroughs on how to get each Electroculus, and other information here!. Start by completing the Memory Tile puzzles within the vicinity, or work on this puzzle in conjunction with the former. Stand on the plate to reveal many other plates. Seiraimaru Relay Stone Puzzle Genshin Impact. Listen to music from Seiraimaru Electroculus Genshin Impact All 3 like Seiraimaru Electroculus 1. r/YoutubeGameGuides. How To Get Each Electroculus. Jump from the hill with a small shrine and glide towards it to obtain. Posted by 2 hours ago. 8K views 1 year ago #genshinimpact. -----Credit Art Banner:jisas20缺萌萌Luxurious Chest 22/45: Seiraimaru Ship (Seirai Island) You will find this chest at the bottom-most level of the Seiraimaru Ship. Once you open the door, enter and you'll find yet another puzzle like the one used to gain access to the ship. Let's get it. In this Genshin. I was trying to 100% my inazuma last night so I was going for electroculus, which is what made me question again why it didn’t work. Summon electrogranum and jump down inside the barrier. Discover new and exciting games with me while we…Kannazuka Puzzle Barrier near Takashi | Genshin Impact - How to Activate Thunder Sakura Bough guide shows you how to active the passive Thunder Sakura Bought. . How to get All Seiraimaru Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Electroculus is in an underground cave where you can reach by jumping down a hole in the ground at the location as shown in the picture below. be/4ptY7Rkz9_4Seirei. Climb the wall upto the Electroculus level. Ship Cave Seiraimaru Relay Stone Puzzle Electroculus Genshin Impact game walkthrough. If a character or enemy is affected by the. alternate method of obtaining the notorious Seiraimaru Electroculus. The Electroculus is located in the heights of the room where you will find yourself, behind an Electro wall. If you didn't unlock the gate underground in seiraimaru then wa. 00:00 Bourou Village Electroculus 1. And once you're done with the ship and leave via Electrogana you don't even realize that new Thunder Spheres spawn above you for like a second. . . Is it possible it's one of those? One was right above the "seiraimaru" ship and the other one was just a bit north of statue of the seven, in between the two beaches. . . . Guide includes locations, how to farm, & where to get Electroculus Resonance Stone. Timestamps0:00 Shipwreck Upper Part | Electroculus 1/40:15 Sword and Halbert Pu. Hola gente, aqui dejo el otro acertijo o rompecabezas que hay del barco. Seiraimaru Luxuriou. . Intact Key. . This ship is more than meets the eye. . This sub is dedicated to my fellow gaming enthusiasts. These Cube Devices are puzzles scattered in Inazuma. In this conversation. Once you finish the entire underwater puzzle, You just need to fly up using the electrograna and it will be at the top. Enlarge. 1. . The Electroculus (plural Electroculi) is an Adventure Item that can be found scattered across Inazuma. Electroculi can be offered to any Statue of The Seven in Inazuma for rewards. 00:00 Electroculus, #18789 Under. 1) - Genshin Impact0:00 - el. Electroculus #18795guys! Hope you're all having a good time :)DONT CLICK THIS! - channel on Genshin Impact content. 1. save. This is the complete guide of the Seiraimaru Wrecked Ship Puzzle. In the Kujou Encampment, you'll encounter an Electroculus stuck underneath a locked gate, further blocked by two Thunder Barriers. Open the chest and climb up to proceed. To see all Electroculus location walkthroughs in Seirai Island, and all of Inazuma, take a look at our Electroculus walkthrough: Electroculus Locations and Map. To access this puzzle, you first need to complete the Memory Tile puzzles that start at the entrance of the boat. 56 subscribers. The electroculus is at the southwest portion of Tatarasuna at the location as shown in the picture below. You can find Genshin Impact All Seiraimaru Electroculus locations following this video guide. . Electroculus Resonance Stone is a Gadget material (item) in Genshin Impact 3. Seiraimaru is a shipwrecked boat in Inazuma with some puzzles and loot inside. The Electroculus (Electroculi in plural) is an adventure item that you can find across the Inazuma nation. And the right point is too far. A stone that can be used in Inazuma to search for nearby Electroculi. You can eat food for buffs too. #18798I. How to solve All Seiraimaru Ship Puzzles in Genshin Impact Seirai Island. 00:00 Electroculus 1 (after complete all puzzles) 01:11 Electroculus 2 & 3 02:03 Electroculus 4 (Intact Key) This video shows Seiraimaru All 4/4 Electroculus Genshin Impact. . Though, I guess at some point it couldn’t reach the eye of the storm hence it’s stranded here. Guia para os puzzles do barco Seiraimaru na ilha Seirai, com a localização de todos os electroculus e baús. Activate the Electroculus to imbue the character with electricity, and then climb through the hole. Amakumo Peak Electroculus Genshin Impact All 11/11 video. Attack these cube devices to make it show its special side, when two or more special sides are facing the same direction, it will light up. Lieu secret d'Inazuma : "Bateau Seiraimaru"Quête précédente : jeu Magnifique et énorme, action. Vote. It’s ok though, looked for the other electroculus instead and my tower is now level 10. . 00:00 Seiraimaru Electroculu. Inazuma Cube Pattern Puzzle. Koseki Village Electroculus All 3/3 Genshin Impact game walkthrough. ↳ Dandelion Seeds Farm Route. The ship’s wall that broke is on the eastern side. Solution with timestamps for all puzzles inside the Shipwreck in "Seiraimaru". #genshinimpact #GenshinImpact#mihoyo #electroculusThere are 181 Electroculus used to upgrade Inazuma Statues of the Seven in Genshin Impact.